Annual report 2015

Specification of income tax expenses
NOK 1 000
Tax payable of net profit
Income tax payable for the year
269 023
295 622
Adjustments of prior periods
25 556
13 422
Total tax payable
294 579
309 444
Deferred tax expense
Change in deferred tax recognised in the income statement
106 459
124 748
Effects of changes in tax rates and prior years' taxes
- 82 748
29 785
Total deferred tax
23 711
154 533
Income tax expense
318 290
463 577
Tax payable in the balance sheet
NOK 1 000
Tax payable of the year
269 023
295 622
Tax liability from prior years
132 078
37 917
Advance tax paid
- 246 745
- 61 546
Translation differences
- 10 604
5 397
Tax payable
143 752
277 390
Reconciliation of nominal to effective tax rate
NOK 1 000
Profit before tax
1 627 409
1 328 315
Estimated income tax expense at nominal tax rate (27%)
439 400
358 645
Losses and other deductions without any net tax effect
17 754
- 567
Non-taxable net income (-) / costs (+) from securities
- 285 351
160 951
Other non-taxable income
- 8 768
- 19 605
Write-down of goodwill
54 000
Adjustments for prior periods
- 57 192
43 207
Tax effect of other permanent differences
158 446
- 82 330
Income tax expense
318 290
460 301
Effective tax rate
19,6 %
34,7 %
Tax recognised directly in equity
NOK 1 000
Actuarial loss on pension obligations (note 19)
2 098
Cash flow hedges (note 28)
- 21 497
7 284
Total tax recognised in total comprehensive income
- 20 509
9 382
Deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability
NOK 1 000
10 971
- 8 482
7 202
8 479
Stocks and bonds
- 400 934
- 359 482
Other differences
34 925
26 314
Tangible assets
- 2 446
- 112 932
Investment properties
- 177 712
- 51 402
Intangible assets
- 151 087
- 273 348
Net pensions
49 554
53 938
Tax losses to carry forward
329 854
389 980
- 299 673
- 326 935
Reassessment of deferred tax assets
- 289 722
- 271 211
Net carrying value at 31 December of deferred tax assets (+)/liabilities (-)
- 589 395
- 598 146
Deferred tax assets recognised in balance sheet
257 916
195 585
Deferred tax liabilities recognised in balance sheet
- 847 312
- 793 731
Net carrying value at 31 December of deferred tax assets (+)/liabilities (-)
- 589 395
- 598 146
Deferred tax assets are reviewed on each balance sheet date, and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow for the deferred tax asset to be utilised.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability shall be settled or the asset be realised, based on tax rates and legislation prevailing at the balance sheet date.
Gross tax losses to carry forward with expiration years
NOK 1 000
1 517
After 2017
305 615
Without expiration
873 247
Total tax losses to carry forward
1 180 390
Change in net deferred tax in balance sheet
NOK 1 000
Net carrying value at 1 January
- 598 146
- 229 086
Translation differences
49 720
- 40 938
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiary
3 251
- 156 535
Recognised in income statement during the period
- 23 711
- 180 969
Tax recognised in other comprehensive income
- 20 509
9 382
Net carrying value at 31 December
- 589 396
- 598 146
*As a consequence of changed legislation for carried interest in PE funds, Ferd's tax basis from such investments is changed. Ferd made a settlement with the authorities on 8 April 2016 and won the case in the question of deductability for carried interest for the income year 2013. We therefore maintain the balance sheet recording of deferred tax assets related to the deduction for carried interest for 2013 and 2014. As previous years were not part of the settlement and the issue not yet clarified on that point, we cannot recognise deferred tax assets related to these years before Ferd has received a final decision from the tax authorities.

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1324 Lysaker

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Phone 67 10 80 00
Fax 67 10 80 01

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